Upon hybrid rendering scenes in LayOut, back edges became visible. Back edges are off in sketchup style settings and all scenes look as I want but they appear in Layout. Back edges are showing when exporting a pdf as well. This has never been an issue before and I have been unsuccessful in finding a work around. Could this have anything to do with scale size?
Can you post the file? Hard to diagnose from an image.
What does it look like in Raster?
My money is on something changed in the viewport and you need to reset it…
Looks like typical bleed-through due to camera location and limitations with the graphics car/drivers. As Mike indicates, it would help if you share the LO file.
I tried posting the file but file size is too large. I don’t have a dropbox to share at the moment.
When rendering in raster, the lines go away but so does most of the detail.
Are outputting in High for the raster output? I find that I don’t lose detail, just the nature of the lines are different when I switch between hybrid and raster.
You can try WeTransfer. I believe you can share files for free.
When trying to export to pdf after changing to raster, I had the same results. Output is set to high on exports
Try this link.
You can also use WeTransfer, just copy the link and share it here in a reply…
It is the typical blead-through due to the edges on the inside being so close to the outside faces relative to the Camera to model distance. They appear to be back edges because you’ve assigned a dash style to Untagged.
To get rid of the back edge appearance, set the dash style for Untagged back to Default. To get rid of the bleed-through, tag the interior objects and turn off those tags for the exterior views of the building. To avoid showing the windows on the opposite side of the building you could set a section cut to show only the near half of the building.
Here’s the result of doing the above.
Do you really need to have the siding modeled with all that geometry? Those edges are slowing LayOut greatly especially when you render as Vector or Hybrid. That’s a ton of work for the graphics card to process. Textures would speed things up. All those edges also make the model look poor when viewed at angles.
Also, make sure you are using tags correctly. That means leaving all edges and faces untagged. Only tag groups and components. Here I’ve fixed the SketchUp model. Not as much incorrect usage as we commonly see but there is some.
Also purge unused content from your models regularly.
That reduced the file size by more than a third.
I appreciate your help! I typically use condoc tools to manage all the tagging. It comes in dashed by default but all geometry is tagged separately through condoc. Its never been an issue before. However, the siding panel and corners were models pulled from 3d warehouse and could have been part of the issue. I usually opt for textures but thought I could get through this simple building providing more detail without issue, as it was only for a visual. My system was not too pleased with my decision!
I’ll make changes and see what happens.
I also began the project using Medeek and changed my mind which I’m sure accounted for many of the unused materials and components.
For the exporting to PDF part, go into File, Document Setup…, Rendering, and uncheck the option to Output Override. Then at least you can export your raster views to PDF without seeing the extra lines.