Are files made in free online version backwards compatible with 2017 local version (17.2.555)?


Are files .skp files created in the current free online version of Sketchup compatible with the old 2017 free local version?

If a file like that is opened in the 2017 free version, what incompatibilities might occur?


No. Files created in newer versions are not backwards compatible to SketchUp 2017. There’s an extension in the Extension Warehouse called Open Newer Version that you could install and it will open the newer version file. I presume this is a hobby thing. Is that correct?

Yes. However it needs to be precise. I’ll try the extension and post ack with my results.

What do you mean by “precise”? It’ll be as precisely modeled as you made it.

I know zero about this subject. I’m entirely new to this, and won’t be doing drawings. I just need to open them and save them under the old format, if possible.

By “precise”, I meant that I’ve been told when Sketchup exports to some other formats, sometimes there are artefacts leftover. I’m trying to avoid that.

Apparently, I cannot open the .skp file I want to open in Layout. And even if I could, there doesn’t appear to be any way to install extensions. So, am I forced to buy a paid version of Sketchup to be able to save a file in an older version?

The online free version also doesn’t allow you to use the

If you aren’t doing models in SketchUp why do you need to open them in the older format? What exactly are you trying to accomplish? Maybe there’s a better way.

What artifacts? The file in SketchUp 2017 won’t have any artifacts that aren’t present in the newer model file.

No, in order to use LayOut you would need either a SketchUp Pro or SketchUp Studio license. You would not haveaccess to LayOut with the free version of SketchUp 2017 either. Again, what is it you are trying to accomplish?

If you aren’t creating any models what do you need extensions for?

That is not what I told you. In your first post you made it sound like you have SketchUp 2017. You can install extensions in that version.

The free online version does not allow the use of extensions but even if it did, the Open Newer Version extension wouldn’t do you any good in SketchUp Free.

What are you really trying to do with Sketchup?

Hi. I managed to get it done via the online version. Thanks for all your help.

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