Hide it, don’t erase it.
As Steve said, hide those edges. Hold Shift while clicking on them with the Eraser tool. you;ll have to put down your onion sandwich first.
I need to clarify something as in 3dsMax these lines in model count as they increase a size of model what about in SketchUp and are these lines gonna show in rendering? I have done an incomplete render in lumion.
but they are not there. Is that the same case in Sketchup Vray?Those edges count in Sketchup and do add to the file size but minimally. And they are required because they define the edges of the faces. Without them you’ll have holes. Hiding them will make them invisible. Rendering programs generally don’t display edges at all so either way, you don’t need to worry about them showing up.
peeled it already … Thanks for helping.
Done! Thanks
Yep. I think so.
I see you got those columns sorted, they’re looking great. I reckon you’re much better than you think, that’s great work you’ve got there.
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