AR Modu / AR Mode

İphone 8 Plus kullanmaktayım. AR satın aldım ama AR modunu açınca uygulama direk kapanıyor.


I use the iPhone 8 Plus. I purchased AR, but when I turn on the AR mode, the application closes directly.

Are system and app both up to date? Do you have data and camera access turned “on” in system preferences?

everything is active. version is the latest version. I’m constantly updating my phone. but I’m having a shutdown problem in the program. I will upload it in the video.

YouTube Video Link

Hmmmm… clearly the camera is working, just fails to load that model. Did you try a smaller model? I have the same system and less free memory on my iPhone and it works fine.

project dimension 8 MB. I will do what you say, I will inform you accordingly.