Anything to know about student licenses?

Hello, I’m organizing a SketchUp training for people in my Interior Design Program. I;m wondering if there’s anything I should know about the student license of Pro before offering this as an option to them.

for example, the student license of CAD prints “PRODUCED IN A STUDENT AUTODESK VERSION” all over your print-outs, and puts that watermark on any and all files created/edited in the student version. I understand why they do that. does the SketchUp version do the same/something similar?


The student licensed version of SketchUp Pro works just like the Classic or Subscription versions. There’s no watermarking. The license is good for one year and when it expires, SketchUp will stop working until the student renews.


Educational Versions of the Software are for educational purposes only and may not be used for commercial, professional or other for-profit purposes

2.7 of the Eula:


thank you both! good news.