This is just a conceptual mock-up of an idea I have to finish off a wee presentation. Note: the small screen on the far right totally contradicts what’s happening with the main (moving) images - particularly towards the end of the animation. Is this just another ‘characteristic’ of sketchup, or am I doing something fundamentally wrong? So much for a Brexit-stress wind-down!
it looks like you haven’t yet grasped the basic concept os SU’s scene animation…
if you ‘move’ a single group/component, it will stay moved in all scenes…
to give the impression of the object moving, you need a copy at each position…
for each copy you need a layer so you can easily hide it…
scene1, object1______at position1 one has it’s layer visibility turned on…
scene2, object1-copy_ at position2 one has it’s layer visibility turned off…
scene1, object1_____at position1 one has it’s layer visibility turned off…
scene2, object1-copy_at position2 one has it’s layer visibility turned on…
from your snapshot’s you could re-create the positions, using copies and layer visibility…
or start from scratch in a copy of the skp file, so you can reference the old file…
Is there any alternative to using layers? I tried with them a few years back, thought I’d sussed it then got into horrendous problems with stuff remaining visible, geometry lines popping up all over the place for no reason and in the end I simply gave up! I plan to cart the finished video over into Windows Movie maker, mainly because the animation needs to run at varying speeds. Could I possibly make my life easier by breaking down the Sketchup material into shorter ‘bits’?
I’ve re-configured the idea into simple blocks, just to see if I’ve sussed this thing. As you can see: it now works! The only thing I can’t do is change the block to red and this is where it all goes t*ts up, no matter what I attempt. I re-iterate: the ‘proper’ animation is of a product coming on stage, goofing about, having ‘various items’ thrown at it; blushing, then being ‘hoiked off’ stage right. That’s it! Can anybody tell me how to make the blue block turn red in as simple a fashion as possible so that I can complete my presentation and go off for a nice lie down! Please make instructions as idiot-proof as possible and, I BEG, don’t suggest layers (previous posts refer!!)
I finally achieved what I was aiming to do by putting a wee ‘mask’ on the original face, then zooming in so that the effects of perspective camouflaged the small alteration in size.
What I cannot seem to overcome is the drastic reduction in image quality which seems to follow the export of the animation to video/Moviemaker. Is there any way overcoming this?
Put another way: is there any method by which more than one animation can be ‘tagged’ onto the end of another whilst remaining in Sketchup? My presentation will feature over a dozen with a running time in excess of ten minutes.