Ambient occlusion for web version

Where do I access ambient occlusion setting for Sketchup Go? I’ve looked in all the tabs in the side panel, but found nothing. Btw, I found it in IPad version under styles. But it’s not there for web on my Windows PC.

Wave7 asked and… yes. it’s on its way.

soonish I guess?

Please update your forum profile. It says you are using SketchUp Free.


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I notice after several weeks, still no update for Sketchup GO…hmmm :smirk:

Getting the new graphics engine working on SketchUp for Web requires a lot of extra work because of the underlying technology available in web browsers. The choice was made some time ago to focus on the Desktop and iPad where there are fewer obstacles. We are actively working on bringing this awesome new engine to Web as well, but it will take some time.


Thank you for the update. Looking forward to when it does arrive. :slight_smile:

@paul_hudlow, I’m looking forward to this feature.
Is there any news regarding the state of this item?

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@tjgalama Sorry for the late response. The last couple of weeks have been busy preparing for DevCamp and 3D Basecamp. Ambient Occlusion on SketchUp for Web is poised to launch this week to our closed alpha community. I’m not sure of the timelines from there. It may depend on the feedback we receive, but rest assured we are working hard to get it to production.

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Any updates on this?

I already replied to you in your thread. They won’t tell us when it’ll be available until it is available. The SketchUp folks aren’t permitted to tell us that in advance.

Asking Paul

Understood but he can’t tell you when, either.

If you use the search feature you will see there is an Ambient Occlusion option, and you can turn it on.

The main problem at the moment is that the web version doesn’t use the new graphics engine, which is needed for viewing ambient occlusion. The team have not given a date for when that will be in the editor.

But, it is in the viewer. Here is a model that I made in the current web version, turned on ambient occlusion, saved the file, and shared it:

You should see that AO is working.

The new viewer requires WebGPU, which is on by default in Edge and Chrome, but not in other browsers. If you look at the link in Safari, you would need to show the Develop menu and go into the feature flags, to turn on WebGPU.

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Thanks Colin, awkward but that works, not unlike walking around the entire block to get to your neighbor’s house next door. What’s a bit disappointing was that it was inferred this would be out for the web Go version back in April of last year. It’s great this is on the iPad but I don’t use that and need the big monitor for anything I do in Sketchup. Thanks again.

I understand it’s disappointing. The technology we’re using for the new engine is really quite cutting edge and that makes it difficult to release in browsers. As noted WebGPU itself is still experimental in some major browsers.

I am not working on this project myself but some of the top engineers (well above me) have been working hard to get this for you. However, we also have to be very careful with how this is released to avoid breaking SketchUp for many of our beloved users who may have hardware-specific problems with the technology that this is built on.

The good news is that you will likely see some more graphics improvements from SketchUp 2025 soon rather than just Ambient Occlusion. :slight_smile: