When reopening Sketchup after a crash it opened my file as a locked version - it did not ask me for the recovery option.
It’s definitely not the recovered version - the same file name (with read only added) but many hours of work lost. My backups is set on ‘every 7min’.
I don’t know what to do now as I’m hesitant to 'save (rename) the file … is there any way to find my recovery version.
I looked at the location where it was saved and the backup file I copied first and opened it but it’s the same old version as the read only file?
You should only see the read only message if the same file is open in another copy of SketchUp. macOS automatically reopens the documents the app was working on if the system crashed. Check to see if more than one SketchUp is open.
You can get there by using the Go menu in Finder, and choose Go to Folder… Paste in the path I gave, and that’s where the recovery files will be. You should see the latest progress made for the file you are working on, and you could move the file to somewhere else, to then check if the file is more recent than the read only one you were given.
In the path I put ‘2020’, because your profile says that’s the version you are using. If you’re on a later version, change that part of the path I gave.
Did you try to search in the folder where Colin said? If you had auto save and create a copy of the model checked you should be able to get a more recent version of your file if you didn’t save before a program crash.