Adding texts to models (SketchUp free)

How can I add some text, notes to my SketchUp models?


3D Text is grouped with the rectangle tool.


Brooks - that’s not really a solution in most cases. The 3D text is not what I believe Alex was asking about. Is there not a way to add screen text, or leader text boxes within Sketchup Free like you can on the desktop app?

Have you looked through all the buttons? Currently there are no screen or leader text options in SketchUp Free.

Yes, I’ve looked and there are no text options. It’s a shame too. Especially since 3D text is an option, but simple screen or leader text is not.

I expect it’ll get added as they continue to add features.

Dave’s right- we’re continually adding new features and we don’t have to wait for the next annual release cycle to do so. I don’t have anything to announce today, but stay tuned for future developments.


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this “free” system is rubbish. I’ve used sketchup for years and been blown away by it, but this version is lacking so many of the old functionality. EG: not being able to calculate floor areas is just basic…also, how do I now access all the drawings I made in previous versions and saved on my PC?

Well as John stated above, it’s still a massive work in progress, it’s probably going to be brought up to make level over at least the next 12 months and then continually updated afterwards.

Thats why they still have make for download on the site Download All | SketchUp

It should be good to go for years to come, I still have 8 running on a macbook somewhere, I know somebody who is still running 6! You can use Make 17 to open any previous files you have on your PC. If you accidentally saved them in a Pro 18 trial you can back-save either by using the 3D warehouse or by re-installing 2018 Pro Trial on another computer and back-saving them.

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