What is the best method for adding a 2nd floor to a building. I normally just do one story buildings. I have explored several methods all of which work until I do a section cut and then try to apply the SectionCutFace tool. In all of the methods I have tried so far, I wind up with a single line/edge in the interior dividing the two floors.
I drew a rectangle and the used the push/pull tool to create the slab/foundation. Next I used the offset tool to form the walls. Then I drew a rectangle in the interior of the extruded walls and used the push pull tool to give some depth the ceiling of the 1st floor/floor of the 2nd floor. I then went back and used the push/pull tool to extrude the walls to the height for the 2nd story. All seemed to go well. I then added a section cut. When I look at the section cut I just see a single line/edge where I had created the ceiling/floor.
I know this is elementary but I do not know what the proper method of creating the “space” between the 2 floors. I looked at several tutorials and did some other exploration and nothing seemed to address what I am trying to accomplish. I have been using SU for a little over 2 years now so this is a little embarrassing to be having a problem accomplishing something so basic/elementary as this.
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