Accurately geolocate imported contours in DXF format from QGIS

I am working on a model for master planning a large site. The model is geolocated with data imported through Placemaker. I am now attempting to import LiDAR contours which I downloaded from the county in .SHP format, imported into QGIS, and exported from QGIS as .DXF. When I import the DXF into Sketchup the contours are not scaled accurately and do not seem to have any reference to the geolocation of the model.

Is there a way to export a DXF from QGIS which will accurately import to Sketchup? Are there specific parameters I should manipulate to prepare a DXF for import to Sketchup? Is there another format I should consider using?

I’ll attach a screenshot of the QGIS export window with the options it gives me. This is my first foray into GIS stuff, so my knowledge is minimal if I’m being generous. Recommended tutorials would be awesome too.

In SketchUp, when you import a file you have a button - Options…, from which you can set the units.

// edit
Now you have added the screenshot. Set the scale to 1:1

Check your DXF import options to make sure that you are using the same units to import that were used to create the DXF.

To help position the contours correctly I would try placing in Qgis some geometry at the point that corresponds to your model origin point in SketchUp, and use it to move the imported lines to place in SketchUp. It is a complicated mess, unless you are a surveying professional, to get the possibly very different coordinate systems used by Placemaker, SketchUp and your county to match automatically, combined with the fact that unless you live near the origin point (say, within a kilometer) of the EPSG:3433 - NAD83 grid you cannot work with real world coordinates in SketchUp.

Thank you! Changing the import units to match the DXF got things scaled correctly. I can get things lined up close enough for my purposes from there.

Thanks @Anssi ,

Getting the units matched helped a bunch. I’ll get it close enough for my purposes by referencing the aerial I brought in from Placemaker.
