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  • This category is specific to Campus and questions that arise in the lessons published there.

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Layout Design Package - NEW Resource

Just downloaded Tutorial and watched recent Fireside chat…
Interested in file size, when I copied it into current 2020.1 the file size changed from 100mb to 51mb and saving it again to play with it went down to 46mb - any explanation?

Liked the idea of colour code group of tags, colour by Tag scenes and the XRay view and the outline emphasis done in layout.

The error in wall on bathroom side (mentioned in Fireside chat) is due to inside corner is about 1/2 inch shy of slab (thats about 12.52mm in metric world. Can be spotted by running guide line along rear inside face form ‘kitchen’ corner. Guess it could be spotted by other methods.

There is a wall panel on rear on wrong tag - moved to D-Wall
I did some other changes to objects and tags were on or off but then realised that might have been deliberate to show how to do so from Layout. Fireside chat also grouped folders which makes sense

Any solutions to tree foliage partially disappearing with bw style?

I wondered if it was possible to ID which style was used with each scene and then noticed a very feint highlight going through each style when each scene is opened - is that the only way and if so is there a way to make that highlight stronger?
UPDATE - Have now spotted it comes in up Styles ‘title’ - how did I miss that !
Would there be benefit in showing in Scene info details…one day?

Looking forward to going through Tutorial and learning more about Layout.
Thanks to all who contributed.
Multi storey building next?

There does not appear to be a category yet for the Tutorial Layout Design Package so maybe this response is in the wrong place. I could not create a new topic under Campus here - can someone else create one and move this to a better location?

Thanks much for your detailed feedback, this is great!

Responding to a few of your comments:

1- file size. This is curious, though I have no idea what’s happening to alter the size. I haven’t paid close attention to this, so will have to keep an eye out.

2- As a general strategy, Eric is really good about coloring all his Tags, which he also uses in his V-Ray rendering methods. Definitely a useful technique.

3- Great catch, I think Eric left that in deliberately to illustrate the idea of a ‘quick fix’ in LO, but you are correct of course that the best fix is fixing the model.

4- I found the same when looking through Eric’s files, as in, a few differences between the videos, but also, I know how hard it is to get everything aligned just perfectly, so, it’s not uncommon for our Campus files to have a few errors. Good catch

5- Trees and that style… That’s a tricky one as the tree he uses has loads of hidden edges which don’t display in the style he’s using, and if you create a style that would show the hidden edges, they then become overwhelming. I can only suggest that creating a view and playing with shadows on that tree might help it display better, or stacking a view behind it with hidden edges turned on might create an interesting outline, but overall, ya, that style and tree will be limited in how it can display.

6- Good suggestion, will keep that in mind for the future.

7- Haha, indeed the example file we use is one of the difficult decisions, so if you have any examples that you think would be particularly good, please post them. Again, thanks much for the detailed feedback.