A2 Layout Template

Hi Guys & Gals

I have been asked to provide a set of drawings at 1:20 scale which will not fit onto my standard A3 Template. I thought I would just amend an A2 Template but under my list of Layout Templates I only see options for A4, A3 & A1.

Am I missing something obvious?

Thanks as always :+1:

I haven’t looked for A2 but you can create a custom sheet size. Just manually enter the dimensions in the Paper section of Document Setup.

Edit: Just opened LO and I see A2 is in the list of paper sizes.
Screenshot - 7_29_2022 , 8_47_14 AM

If you are looking at the supplied templates, keep in mind they aren’t intended to represent every paper size and they really are just supposed to be examples and starting points for your own templates.

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Cheers Dave.

A you guessed - I was only looking at the list of templates on the start-up screen.

I can see the list you have posted now.

Thanks for your help :+1:

I am very grateful for all the help you have provided - if you PM me your address I will send you a crate of your choice of beers.

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