Hey everyone. So, my 3D Warehouse just keeps loading and does not go to the main page, I really dont know what is wrong. I have tried to clean my internet cache, restarted everything, but nothing seems to work and I really dont want to reinstall. Does someone know what is causing this?
Your profile says you are using the SketchUp “Free Plan” which would be the web browser version. Is that the version you are using or are you using something else?
I see you updated your profile while I was replying.
I use SU on Windows, I misunderstood the question Dave made. 3D Warehouse works fine on my browser, it just does not open in my SU PRO 2021 for some reason
I asked about which browser you were using because when you filled out your profile you indicated you are using the free web version. You since updated your profile so my question was moot.
I did, it didnt work
The problem seems to have started when I logged on the Warehouse in my browser, then it started acting up, but I have no clue if it’s related or not.
Yes, I use Opera GX as default. I tried logging out and restarting but it also did not work, just keeps on loading, I’m starting to think this is a lost cause, should I just try to reinstall SU?
One could try hitting CTRL + F5 a few times when there is focus in the 3D Warehouse panel.
If you rightclick and choose ‘’Show dev tools” , what do you see?
SketchUp and Opera are unrelated. SketchUp uses CEF (Chrome). Now if something differs in Opera, what I downloaded, and Opera GX, that might help you figure it out. But we don’t support it: