3D warehouse In potential commercial Comic

Hi, I am inquiring regarding the use of 3D warehouse models in my comic that may turn commercial if i am selected. It has occurred to me through countless of threads and the TOU of 3D Warehouse, that with Sketchup Pro, I am able to use 3D Warehouse models for commercial use (in my case, for my comic). Do i just have to contact each model’s designer to proceed using the models for my potential-commercial comic? If so, will I need to feature each and every one of the designers if put a city together using 3D warehouse models?

As far as I know, as long as you have Pro then you can use warehouse models in commercial projects. If people are using models for professional Arch Viz there is no reason that using them for a comic is any difference.

It can be common courtesy to contact the original builder but it depends on what you are using the model for and how it is featured but you are not obliged to.

Some months ago one user noticed the EULA prevented him from using the models in his research (non profit if I’m not mistaking) despite being allowed in professional architectural work. I’d read the EULA an extra time just to be sure before using the models.

Thats very strange, how to Trimble categorise professional architectural work from professional graphic design or professional illustration etc.

Thanks for the clarification Liam, it means a lot!

Hi Eneroth, so in this case should I continue using the models, because this comic will only turn commercial if its chosen, thus putting me in between the situation of being commercial and for own usage. Could you kindly advice regarding this?

Thanks for reading Eneroth!

I think she meant that you should read them…
For your information, things that are postulated here on this forum do not have full jurisdiction, the Terms of Use have, you should ‘lawyer up’ if you have doubts on your situation

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