Hi all !!!
When opening 3D text there is the: enter text that you have to select before typing. Is there way to get rid of it so you can start typing immediately.
Thanks for your help
Hi all !!!
When opening 3D text there is the: enter text that you have to select before typing. Is there way to get rid of it so you can start typing immediately.
Thanks for your help
I select the text with my mouse and start typing. Or I “select all” with my keyboard shortcut and do the same.
Unfortunately, I believe that content is populated by the SketchUp app when it opens the window. There is no way to blank the field other than as @monospaced suggested.
Hi Monospace !!!
Selecting the text is the part that i find useless and annoying. I do not know why it is there
to bigin with ???
Have a nice day !
Some users need prompts like that to know what to do after they open windows with text fields. Many websites are like that, too.
I agree it would be nice if the developers had pre-selected the “Enter text” contents so you could just start typing, as you can do in many other entry fields. I took a look at the .nib file for this dialog, and that field is blank there so the default string must be getting loaded by the app code itself. I suppose they felt they needed a place holder to make it more obvious what that field is for.
I am not an expert on coding this kind of field, so I don’t know if there is some reason it couldn’t be pre-selected after loading, but if there is they didn’t do so.
Hello Dave !!!
It could be there… but could not we start typing right away ?
Thanks for all the help !
Good day !
It would be nice but I can think of many things I’d find higher priority changes/fixes that I think the developers should work on before this.
If you need to create a lot of 3D text in your models I think there are faster ways than using the 3D Text UI anyway.