3d text on model

the dwg import/export exercise is completely unnecessary if the original skp was properly modelled…

problems further down the line are inevitable…


For sure all problems arise by the way the OP was creating components he needed by exporting and importing as .dwg’s but these kind of problems also arise when you import a CAD-drawing in your model which isn’t purged ( e.g. totally empty )
I always tell my students to import in a new file, but I think it would be better to import in a totally clean file.
@ppquared77 : added a .skp which you can save as template import CAD files in there and you would have better control. The article of importing and exporting CAD files is found here :

( as I recall, @Anssi mentioned somewhere in a topic that this Knowledge Base document is somewhat outdated…)
CAD import template.skp (65.9 KB)

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