I am using Stetcup2018. I can connect to the 3D warehouse. But once start downloading, not finishing the download or cannot insert teh models.
pls help me.
The 3D Warehouse only supports the current and previous two versions of SketchUp. It hasn’t supposed SketchUp 2018 for more than a year. You can use your internet browser to access the Warehouse and download the Collada version of the components you are after and import the included .dae file into SketchUp.
i have downloaded below model cooking range from web(dae file)
but the object appears as below without finishing
pls assist me
Did you also extract the materials folder included with the .dae file and put them both in the same directory?
Did you import the model at the correct scale? Did you measure it to see what size it is?
As an alternative to downloading collada you can open the web version of SU, and there you can use 3D warehouse. Then you can download that file as 2018 skp. Then you can copy from the downloaded file the componet(s) to your modell…
Exactly which model did you download?
There’s no scale option with .dae imports like there are for .dxf/.dwg files.
Accustomed to importing via Blender. I recently came across a case in which it was necessary to resize the DAE model in order to import it with faces in SketchUp.
But the idea itself is probably correct, it is possible that the DAE model is on a very small scale.
It is probably easier to use Universal Importer extension to import the DAE file.
You might be right. I guess we’ll see if the OP tells us which model he actually downloaded.
Are you viewing it in Wireframe? For faces and materials to show, you must bee in Shaded with Textures.
It looks like one of the ridiculously overweight range models.
Thanks Dear.
It worked