Zack Mertz and his daughter Maddison need our help

Hello Sketchuppers,

A lot of you know Zack Mertz. If you are fortunate, you don’t just know of Zack, you know Zack.

If you don’t know Zack but you love SketchUp, there is a real good chance he has had something to do with that. Zack was one of the first advocates and trainers for @last SketchUp (Before Trimble, Before Google). If you could ask any SketchUp user “where did you learn that” and followed the chain of people/threads/videos - I’d be willing to bet somewhere Zack was involved. His humbleness, kindness, energy, and sincere desire to help others knows no bounds.

Now it is time to help Zack and his family. Maddison Mertz, Zack’s daughter, is fighting glioblastoma multiforme stage 4 (GBM). This is an aggressive form of cancer with very unfair odds. We can help even the odds by making as many treatment options as possible open to Maddison.

Please take a look at Maddison Mertz’s GoFundMe page and consider helping. You can also learn more about Maddison’s story on her Caring Bridge page.

Matt Chambers


My best wishes and prayers to Zack and his family. I hope his little girl will be ok. He really is a great guy.
Thanks for posting this Matt.