I’ve gotten to the point with layout that I do a working file where everything is rendered as raster (file named working file), then do a separate output as “print” file where I change everything over to vector or hybrid. The only way I can deal with it.
You don’t have to do that any longer. In v. 2023 the Document Setup dialog, Rendering tab has a checkbox and popup where you can switch all output to Vector or Hybrid while keepinng on viewing the file as Raster.
I have a work around for print to scale that I’ve been using since 2005. Happy to share if anyone is interested.
Performance wise, stacking viewports with a mix of raster and hybrid/vector scenes works really well. This way you isolate the elements that require a vectoresque line type rather than attempting to hybrid or vector an entire model.
I never wait more than 30 seconds for a page to render. Remember printed, raster, even on medium output looks very sharp.
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