I thought I’d start a feature request/area to chat about this as I am generally curious and hoping for an increase in development of the program. I remember reading I think on the last release of the major sketchup version article that now that there is a per year subscription, this means more features will be able to be produced faster for both platforms both Layout and Sketchup…
I think it’s important to give the Layout and Sketchup team some slack, they have made incredible programs, however I think at this point in the popularity of the program, we should be seeing a lot more development. Components in Layout, better auto text management, etc. When I look at a small productivity company like clickup who are now quite big, it amazes me how many features they release each week. I’m not a software developer, but I really just see the production of the layout team being incredibly slow and painful, although the quality is mostly there, the production is not…
What are your thoughts?