If I try to set a material through the Entity Info form. I only see the icons for a material or material category the first time I select it. If I select a new surface then open Entity Info and attempt to set the material. All icons for that material category are broken.
Chrome console reports the following errors
VM207:1 WebGL: INVALID_ENUM: getParameter: invalid parameter name
emscriptenWebGLGet @ VM207:1
app:1 [.Offscreen-For-WebGL-000001D02161B650]RENDER WARNING: there is no texture bound to the unit 0
app:1 [.Offscreen-For-WebGL-000001D02161B650]RENDER WARNING: there is no texture bound to the unit 2
[.Offscreen-For-WebGL-000001D0218253D0]RENDER WARNING: there is no texture bound to the unit 2
app:1 WebGL: too many errors, no more errors will be reported to the console for this context.
Network tab shows those failing icons as data/image/jpen:base… 200OK size From memory Cache, time Pending?
It seems odd to me that a memory resource would be listed as Pending unless that resource was Garbage Collected after it’s first use.