What's the best way to recreate this bevel?

I am recreating a broken knob for a toaster but cannot seem to get the bevel to work correctly, I tried follow-me but it breaks the model :frowning:
toaster knob.skp (605.9 KB)

We could actually help you if you share the model and a picture of what you are trying to model.

I have, sorry, seemed to be a problem with my internet at the time
had to re-edit

OK. Now I have the file. Are you going to 3D print this thing? Presuming you are, Model the thing with units set to meters instead of millimeters. So instead of it being 34mm wide, make it 34 meters wide. That will get you away from the tiny face issue that you are currently running into. Another thing to do is to make the radius of the front two corners a little larger than the roundover radius you are trying to create. This will prevent broken geometry in the corners.

I redrew your model from the beginning because one of your radii for the corner of the knob goes slightly beyond tangent with the front edge. I also used more segments for the curves so the result will be smoother.
toaster knob dr.skp (962.6 KB)
When you export the .stl file make sure the units are either set to Model Units or to Meters. No need to scale the model before exporting.
Screenshot - 7_27_2024 , 2_05_19 PM
toaster knob dr.stl (977.2 KB)

yes, i just printed out what Ive got to so far and it fits great, just need to add the aesthetics

See my reply with files.

And hereโ€™s a screenshot of the .stl file imported into the slicer.

Thanks @DaveR I never thought of using meters for a 3D model before, great tip, and thankyou for your much appreciated assistance

Using Meters instead of Millimeters works well since .stl files have no units.

BTW, you should probably mark my reply as the solution so others will find it.

I have, thanks again :slight_smile: