What is the opposite of subtract?

I create a wall group/component. Then I want the user to be able to create openings for window/doors/etc. I have a mechanism where I create an opening by creating a group that fits into the wall where I want the opening. Then I subtract the opening from the wall. It works great.

Is there something that works like that in reverse? I want to allow the user to fill in a hole in the same manner as he/she created it.

You could draw a box that perfectly fills the whole and call #unite.

Calling your code that originally drew the wall for redrawing it could also be an option.

Did you mean ?

(and similar for componentinstances ) :innocent:

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I will give both a try and let you know what happens. Thank you both!

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#union and #outer_shell both worked similarly. However they didn’t quite do what I needed. They both leave a face on each side of the wall. And they leave a white block for the faces instead of using the material of the wall. The material I think I could handle.
But how do I get rid of the faces? In this image, I tried to get rid of the window on the left. Note the white square (it is the same on the other side). I need to get that white square to blend in with the rest of the wall.

I guess you should apply same material to two faces of box - drawn into the hole - what is in the wall.

l guess you should apply same material to two faces of box - drawn into the hole - what is in the wall.

It did NOT leave the other 4 sides of the block in the wall, which is great. I can just apply the same material. But that still leaves the 4 lines on each side. There are 124 entities in the component. I am not sure how to tell which of those are my extra lines.

These extra edges have 2 faces connected

edge.faces.size == 2

and the normal’s of this faces are parallel.

edge.face[0].normal.parallel?(edge.face[1].normal) == true
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