Welcome to our forums! Please introduce yourself :)

  • Who are you? (show us those pearly whites :smiley: — to start, just one photo if you please ) Hi everyone, I am Rina Kruger from South Africa
  • What is your industry and profession? Property Practitioner
  • Where do you use SketchUp? Personally/professionally? Personally and Professionally
  • Why do you use SketchUp and what is your favorite thing about it? (Besides using it to impress the babes/bros…) I would like to build my marketing material looking professional
  • How proficient are you in SketchUp? Beginner, intermediate, advanced? Beginner
  • Have you gone to a SketchUp 3DBasecamp? NO not yet, time is catching up o me
  • What is your current set up? [Computer type, SketchUp version…etc.] (Your lake house and Ferrari don’t count) Computer (Laptop)
  • Do you have a 3D Warehouse page with your models, Extensions, or a website you would like to link to or show off to us? No unfortunately not
  • Anything else you would like to tell us? (e.g., you once saw a UFO & tried to model it in SketchUp to get a prototype 3D printed…) I would like to do my marketing and advertising material including bords
  • What is your favorite Emoji? Smily laughing
  • Do you enjoy long walks on the beach...? Yes
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Can anyone advise me how to change plaster walling on a picture to be brick walling? same image just brick instead of plaster… Thanking you in advance

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Please start a new thread.

Note, you cannot use SketchUp Free for professional or commercial purposes.

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  • **Who are you?**I am someone really interested in designing things
  • **What is your industry and profession?**I work in the events and interior fit out industry
  • Where do you use SketchUp? Personally/professionally? Professionally in my work
  • Why do you use SketchUp and what is your favorite thing about it? *i use sketchup, because not all in my company know 3dsmax or cinema4d or rhino… And when i work my account handlers for projects its easy for them to open it up and have a run thru it before they go to clients and also i generate BOQ out of it.
  • How proficient are you in SketchUp? I have know sketchup for more than 15 years But i have very frequently used it since 2020 and to present.
  • Have you gone to a SketchUp 3DBasecamp?
  • What is your current set up? I have 2 computers, one is a legion 7 pro laptop with 32gb and a rtx 3080ti and 4tb space, and the other one is a pc , Amd threadripper 24 cores with an rtx 2080 with 8 tb space. I aslo have 2 27 inch dell and lg monitors. with a Logi mx master mouse.
  • **Do you have a 3D Warehouse page with your models, Extensions, or a website you would like to link to or show off to us?**Nope i do not have that
  • Anything else you would like to tell us? Sketchup has been a game changer at work and its ease of use and communication abilities are very much the best than other softwares. Miracles have happened since the use of it in my work :slight_smile:
  • What is your favorite Emoji? :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
  • **Do you enjoy long walks on the beach...?**now its 48 degrees outside and i don’t want to look like a fried chicken. But yes when its good climate here in Dubai, definitely yes.
  • Who are you? (show us those pearly whites :smiley: — to start, just one photo if you please )
  • What is your industry and profession? Commercial Plumbers
  • Where do you use SketchUp? Personally/professionally? Professionally
  • Why do you use SketchUp and what is your favorite thing about it? (Besides using it to impress the babes/bros…) pretty much used because its comparatively cheap lol
  • How proficient are you in SketchUp? Beginner, intermediate, advanced? intermediate
  • Have you gone to a SketchUp 3DBasecamp? no
  • What is your current set up? [Computer type, SketchUp version…etc.] (Your lake house and Ferrari don’t count) currently use skp 2022 but recently downloaded 2024
  • Do you have a 3D Warehouse page with your models, Extensions, or a website you would like to link to or show off to us? yes but not sure exactly how to add the link…
  • Anything else you would like to tell us? (e.g., you once saw a UFO & tried to model it in SketchUp to get a prototype 3D printed…) do woodworking as a side Hussle
  • What is your favorite Emoji? i mean… its has to be::fu:
  • Do you enjoy long walks on the beach...? no. would prefer to be in the water


Please update your forum profile. Clearly it’s out of date.

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Good Day all, my name is Alan and I am recently retired from doing various types of software engineering, and IT for 40+ years. I’ve played around with Sketchup off and on (mostly off) for the last 6 or 8 years. I can do the basic operations (outlined in the Sketchup for Web Fundamentals series), but haven’t really tried to model anything complex. With my retirement I’m getting back into woodworking after a 20 year gap and would like to use sketchup to help with designing some of the things I would like to build.

I haven’t done 3D modeling and my fear is I will run into how do I build models vs completing projects :thinking:. I realize it is a chicken and the egg problem, but I hope with some basic skills I can get the designs on to paper so I can get into the shop and build things.

Much more of a mountain person than beach person, but at least beaches are flat :slight_smile:


Hi Mike44 here. I am using SU for iPad. I am a semi-retired health professional living on a farm. SU has been helpful with designing small projects. I have really struggled with more complex projects. I still get stuck quite often. Have been trying to create a small cabin but keep getting parts of groups and tags coming out a mess. Will be posting looking for a coach.


Hi Gerhard here,
I want to know if you pay extra for additional users if I buy Pro

A subscription for SketchUp Pro is for one user. You need a subscription for each user. If you have enough users it might be worthwhile to purchase a multi-seat subscription. Check it out at sketchup.com

Hi my name is Rick, previously I worked 25 years for a large Electric Co. in the GIS department using ERSI and AutoCAD until retirement.
Now, I want to give back as an Inventor, Engineer and Architect by designing Energy saving and collection and storage equipment, currently working on a Solar Tracker, Greenhouse, Roof top Solar Arrays and Sand batteries.
Starting drawing with AutoCAD back in the 1980s, Sketchup 23 came easy. It is well designed with high quality results. With Solar Trackers I need moving Animations and I am using dynamic components.
I been using the 3D Warehouse for common parts, wow, what a time saver. In future, I will upload my parts for others to save time too.
Thank you, good health to all, Sincerly, Rick

Greetings from Manila, Philippines!

I hve just subscribed for my iPad. Looking forward on doing my concepts and presentations using Sketchup.

Hope to learn and share with you all.

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Some questions you may answer to get your juices flowing…feel free to really add anything you would like to - as it relates to this thread!

• What is your industry and profession? Retired IT professional – have never had a job where I used any form of 2D/3D CAD/design/modelling tools apart from Visio for network drawings and server rack layouts.

• Where do you use SketchUp? Personally/professionally? Personally.

• Why do you use SketchUp and what is your favorite thing about it? Same answer to both – free 3D.

• How proficient are you in SketchUp? Beginner, intermediate, advanced? Beginner, even though I’ve been using it since the Google v7 days. Actually, in a way, it’s possibly a bit shameful that I’m still a beginner, but also in a way that speaks to how incidental my use of SU is.

• Have you gone to a SketchUp 3DBasecamp? No.

• What is your current set up? Whatever laptop and/or home PC I have at the time. Currently a Dell XPS-15 7590 and a Dell Precision T5500. SU version is Make 2017.

• Do you have a 3D Warehouse page with your models, Extensions, or a website you would like to link to or show off to us? No.

• Anything else you would like to tell us?

My name is Mike, and my use of SU is infrequent, and usually pretty trivial. As per above it’s not and never was anything professional, nor was any similar type of software. I don’t even use it in any hobby, e.g. woodworking. I just use it when I want something which will let me do 3D drawings. Right now I’m using it for planning a new kitchen layout.

It’s because of my usage that I’m on a free version. I’m not an entitled cheapskate, and I don’t think that people shouIdn’t make money from software, it’s just that I couldn’t ever justify paying for a package like SU given my use of it.

And I’m on Make rather than Free because I’m strongly, vehemently, bitterly, ideologically, opposed to subscription models.

• What is your favorite Emoji? None really. I’m of an age where I first encountered them as smileys, not even emoticons, and they are a way to indicate non-verbal cues in written text. They are not a substitute for language.

Who are you? Keith Christopher, sorry no great pic atm but will getone to scare you all
What is your industry and profession? IT professional
Where do you use SketchUp? Personally/professionally? Personally for wood working hobby, ‘professionally’ for items I sell on Etsy
Why do you use SketchUp and what is your favorite thing about it? I like the interface and plugins
How proficient are you in SketchUp? Beginner, intermediate, advanced? Intermediate, I use to do 3D animations/modelling using Lightwave 3d and even co-wrote chapters for “Inside Lightwave 5.5”
Have you gone to a SketchUp 3DBasecamp? no
What is your current set up? Windows 11 PC running Geforce 4090 and 64gb memory and my FAV item 3dconnexion space mouse pro LOVE LOVE LOVE it.
Do you have a 3D Warehouse page with your models, Extensions, or a website you would like to link to or show off to us? no
Anything else you would like to tell us? I’ll let it all hang out in the forums
What is your favorite Emoji? :neutral_face:
Do you enjoy long walks on the beach…? No one does it’s all lies.

Sono Miriam
Ancora non lavoro ma frequento università per diventare restauratrice
Per ora uso SketchUp a casa ma il mio intento è comprendere se lo posso usare in cantiere.
Ho iniziato a usare il programma per vedere se fosse utile per fare i rilevamenti dello stato di conservazione di un’opera. Lo uso da troppo poco per avere delle preferenze.
Sono ancora una principiante.
Ho un Surface Pro 9 della Windows e uso la versione Free


EN ATTENTE.skp (203.6 KB)
Bonjour, mon nom : ROS, mon âge 75 : à cet âge là on est retraité.
j’habite dans le sud de la France dans un village où il reste des vestiges d’une histoire que je veux avec mon association “graver dans le PLA” pour qu’ils subsistent encore longtemps.

bonjour, je suis un retraité, président d’association liée au patrimoine. je veux numériser les bâtiments des 14, au 16ème siècle dont il reste encore des vestiges dans la commune. j’ai donc entrepris d’apprendre SketchUp pour la modélisation des bâtiments. Si j’arrive à connaitre le fonctionnement des outils, c’est plus le point des solides qui me pose problème. j’ai également compris les conditions pour qu’un objet soit solide et qu’il perd son état dès que l’on le touche. par contre je ne comprends pas l’information de solide inspector2 qui a pour conséquence de refuser l’état solide et qui demande de créer un groupe ou un composant. Comme je veux créer des représentations des bâtiments, je crains qu’à l’impression, il y ait de gros problèmes.
merci de votre aide

Hi. Mike Dombrowski here. I am a Senior Project Architect - Transit with a world class AE firm in NYC.
I am a Revit Jedi Master - can pretty much do just about anything in Revit.
Right now, i am teaching myself SketchUp, so i a a novice beginner.
No, I have not been to a SketchUp base camp.
I do not have a 3D warehouse with any of my models since I currently do not know how to use SketchUp.
See ya soon!

I am Nic I started Schetch up 5 days ago.

A post was split to a new topic: Getting a “you’re not licensed” error message