View in AR - QR Code

hello all,

I uploaded my model to 2D Warehouse website successfully, but “view in AR” feature (in addition to the QR code) did not appear yet. based on the following link it should appear directly: AR Viewing in 3D Warehouse - 3D Warehouse - SketchUp Community

you can find my model here:
Team xx - v4 | 3D Warehouse (

your support & help is highly appreciated.

Hi shouq!
I tried re-rendering the model to see if it would generate the AR models (GLB/USD). It still didn’t work. You didn’t do anything wrong. Usually the reason it fails is:

  • Model is too complex (polygon count over 200,000)
  • Model file size is too large (over 10mb)
  • Model represents a LARGE space (Not sure of the limits here)
  • Model contains “broken” geometry (is modeled in an unexpected way)
    I’m not sure what might apply to this model and I don’t have a solution at this time. Some experimentation could be done like scaling down the model, reducing the polygon count, simplifying textures. If you DO get it to work would you mind sharing what you did. In the future we would like to make our conversion tools more robust.