I know I am in the minority using SketchUp on a Graphics Tablet (and I don’t use one all the time either) but I get asked questions all the time, I know I am not the only one and I met some fellow users at Basecamp. I figured I could start a thread and people could ask questions or other tablet users could share tips and advice. I am pretty sure at least one person on the SketchUp team uses one ‘sometimes’ but I can’t remember who.
Anyway, it all goes back to when I got an Intuos tablet for my 18th birthday, I was really bad with it to be honest but when I got my first job after University at WIRED magazine everybody in the office had one, no matter what job you were doing (using a pen helps reduce RSI most associated with using a mouse).
Rather than using a tablet a few times a week to draw I was using it everyday all day for all tasks from emails to In Design. Naturally at this time I started using it with SketchUp thinking nothing of it. Over the years tablets have advanced, they are now displays with multi gestures and with more advanced inputs.
About a year ago I upgraded to a Cintiq and haven’t looked back, more recently Wacom introduced the Wacom Pro Pen 3D aimed at CAD users, the addition of the third customisable button is a great improvement still.
Wacom were good enough to lend me a MobileStudioPro 16 so I thought since I have both an OSX and Windows powered input at home I would take some questions over the weekend. Feel free to ask me any questions and I will do my best to answer them.
The devices and inputs I have are as follows:
Wacom Mobile Studio Pro 16
Display: 15.6 inch
Resolution: 3840*2160px
CPU: i7
SSD: 512GB
GPU: 4GB M1000M
8192 pressure levels
OS: Windows 10
Connections: 3 USB C
Cintiq Pro 13 ( I have the 16 in work, I prefer the smaller tablets over the larger +22 size. I would have bought the 16 for home but I could not afford it but if you have the cash would recommend it as the ideal size, it’s also 4k).
Display: 14.2 inch
Resolution: 1920*1080px
8192 pressure levels
Connections: 3 USB C but it comes with an adaptor for HDMI
OS: OSX (this is just a display powered by 2018 MacBook Pro).
I have three pens, Wacom Pro Pen 2 (two versions, far left and middle, I don’t know what the difference is between them except the colour and material, the middle one feels better built?) and Wacom Pro Pen 3D (far left with extra button).
So if you have any questions or want me to try something let me know, I will answer questions when I can. I am using a SketchUp 2019 trial on both machines, I have no plugins installed and probably wont unless you really want me to try something (and it’s free).