Using SketchUp / Cadwork for Structural Engineer

Presentations of current projects with SketchUp and Cadwork
Murs rez_arm.pdf (2.4 MB)
Murs rez_coffr.pdf (2.4 MB)
2.1876.skp (944.1 KB)
CC.pdf (24.9 KB)
DD.pdf (46.5 KB)


Post screenshots if you’d like replies or feedback as not everyone has the time or ability to download the models and open them up to view :wink:

Hello @scheurerdidier thank you for this post. In which program did you prepare the Murs rez_arm.pdf and Murs rez_coffr.pdf documents? I am a strcutural engineer, new to SketchUp world and I am keen to use SketchUp Pro for sonctruction docuemnation.

I am looking to learn from thsi forum and seeing the drawings you sent give me hope. I am curious to know how to do structural engineering schedules in SketchUp too.

Thank you.

Good morning,

My employer bought Cadwork 2D for the office and I’ve been working with it for 12 years.
It’s been 3 years that I use SketchUp in the office as a 2nd program in order to have 3D in my workflow.

I’m the only one in the office who uses SketchUp and I don’t know anyone who uses it for my job. So I’m always in the experimental phase and I test several things because I think it’s a good companion for autocad 2d or cadwork 2d.

My simplified workflow is: Use SketchUp for the concrete/wood/brick/metal/…

Insert my superimposed views in Layout to have elevations of concrete walls or slab plans (with the engineer type view and not the architect view)

Export dxf and pdf from layout in my 2d program

Put the dxf BEHIND and the pdf FRONT

Put additions IN FRONT OF the pdf. For example, dimensions, concreting stops, etc…

For the rebars, same principle.

This method allows you to use any 2D armature program you want.

In case of modifications, make them in the sketchup model, save, open layout, reload the model in order to have the correct views, export pdf and dxf.

Go to the 2d program and insert the pdf and the dxf.

If necessary, move the dimensions and other manual annotations as well as the reinforcement.

The dxf is used to hang on it with dimensions or other CAD needs.
The pdf is for visuals only.

There is therefore no need to redo the hatching manually.

I am attaching walls under frame that I have sent to the company to give an idea of ​​what awaits them

Sans charpente.stl (87.1 KB)
Avec charpente.stl (447.3 KB)
Murs combles aperç (188.7 KB)

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You can read a book from Nick Sonder or from Matt Donley. They explain of to make it with Layout.

SketchUp - Layout_for_Architecture by Nick Sonder
SketchUp-to-LayOut-2nd-edition by Matt Donley

Their books help me a lot to learn SketchUp
Touches de base Layout.pdf (193.7 KB)

Alright, @scheurerdidier. Let me start a thread to see if I can find some help with using SketchUp to obtain schedules for structural engineering. Thank you for yrou posts.

Here a sample with SketchUp for the 3D and Cadwork for the Layout

It was one of the first project with these software together
At this time, I’m not using Layout. Just make a cut with a section plane and export a DXF.

The problem with this method was that the basemap didn’t update with the model and I had to export the sections each time. Then I started trying Layout.

Amenagements extérieurs.pdf (703.1 KB)

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