Using Layers in Sketchup Pro

Referring to in what? Can you show us a screenshot to clarify what you are talking about?

There is no “default tag”. There is a tag named “Untagged” (which really means what its name says - no tag applied). There is an “active” tag, indicated by the pencil icon at the right. And there is a “Default” dash pattern (solid line) for each tag unless you change it to another pattern.


Make the tray a little wider so you can see the pencil icon. Or make the Name column narrower.

Hello people, and I would like to thank all users for all the informations I found out within this thread. I’d like to ask some more question. Until now I thought that SKP layers were “real” layers and now undestrand better the tag stuff. But then, if it is always recommended to let the geometry on “untagged” (previously “layer0”) why this setting is not simply locked ? Why does Sketchup let the user set another tag to the geometry if its never a good thing to do so ? Thanks by advance.


Like many others, e.g. I have an allways off tag which I use when, say a wall, for model organisation, is represented by two groups - where the groups abut each other I assign the edges to the always off tag.

It can be seen as useful to change the active Tag when doing things like adding dimensions, or downloading lots of things from the 3d warehouse (not a great idea), or adding multiple components from a local library. None of these are that important in my mind.

This indeed is useful for both dimensions and text. Instead of manually assigning distinct tags to them one after the other. (To controle their visibility later)

not sure I understand everything (the add dimension thing) but I’m quite newbie there so thank you very much for your replies, anyway