I’m a newbie with Sketchup and would like to upload an existing CAD drawing in PDF form. I just need to add some minor details. Can this be done?
I don’t think you can import PDF files but you can directly import .DWG files if you are running SketchUp Pro
Is it that you want to import the PDF file into SketchUp? On the Mac you can import PDF files. Use File>Import 2D…
Your user profile says you have SU Pro 2017 on macOS. In that case you should be able to import a PDF, but it will come in as an image or texture, not as edges, faces, etc.
I just gave the 3D PDF importer a try:
Not sure what it would do with 2D data, but could be worth a go. I managed to import a 3D model from a PDF. It took a little while though.
I only did the trial version, not sure how much it would cost to buy the importer, but you can see if it works for free.