Union of non-solid objects possible?

Hi All
I have searched the forum and havnt quite found an answer to me problem.
Numpty issues here :roll_eyes: I’m sure I have done this the hard way
Designing a cage canopy for the back of the truck well body.
I designed one half, copied and flipped.
Is it possible to Union/Join unsolid objects seamlessly?

It is possible. Assuming the geometry is in the same context, i.e inside the same group or component or just loose geometry, you should be able to erase the seam lines. I find sometimes it’s useful to select the geometry and use Intersect Faces to make sure things are connected.

If you upload the SKP file, we can give you more precise information about how to do this.

Wow! Thanks for the lightning fast response Dave!:sunglasses:
I have tried selecting the join lines but it found that I end up deleting the face section too.
It looks like I do not have some privileges or my model is too large to upload >3MB
Attached is one half with a few components removed.
Im sure there will be many errors here obvious to the trained eye
Left Side Canopy Cage.skp (1.9 MB)

It will be wrapped in Canvas/Marine Hood Liner when frame is complete

I sent you a private message. I have a few questions about the frame.

What are the real dimensions of the tube? Are you using the same size square tube throughout? What is the real angle of the side with the mesh supposed to be? There’s a bunch of mess to clean up before you get to the point of making the other half. I have much of it done but there are still a few details to work out in a way that means this thing could actually be made in reality.

Thanks Dave - You are a legend for helping - thank you so much
It is a mess - you wont believe how long it took me to make that mess :laughing:

Yes - the main supporting frame is 30mm RHS/square steel (3mm thick but prob not required for this model)
To lighten the weight I will go 25mm RHS for the mesh door frames. Possibly aluminum

I have just remeasured vehicle tub
Real angle - difficult. Follows average countor of vehicle but given that it curves in further as it goes up the vehicle I have eyeballed the main slope + used an angle gauge giving approx 110 degrees…

Please find the lower tub dimensions for frame base and where vertical frame meets lateral roof rails
Outer width is 1590mm
Outer length 1560mm
Top lateral rails are centrally located with 1100mm centres rail to rail
(550mm from centre to centre)
(565mm from centre to out rail edge)
I would be interested to know what angle this creates

Having spoken to the auto trimmer / marine upholsterer - he would like to see the zipper extend 50mm past the rear hinge to allow the canvas liner to be rolled up and provide enough room for the cage door to open.

If I add an extra 30mm RHS I can give him 45mm without extending the zipper too close to the top edge.
It will be close to 50mm when the hinge thickness is added - about 5mm

I didn’t follow all of your dimensions but I redrew most of your model trying to stick to the basic outline as much as I could. Here you can see the distance between the two long top rails and the angle on the side.

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Amazing Dave!
Looks incredibly easy when someone who knows what they are doing cleans it up.
Thank you so much for the detailed instructions.

The shadow effect looks great too - how is that applied?
When I tried I just got some satellite imagery laid down :roll_eyes:

I will be sure to post any further progress and when the time comes post a pic of the real deal if that is allowed.

Thank you. Pry into the model I sent you to see how I constructed it.

The cleaning thing is important to keep the model easy to work with. Try to keep your models clean as you go and you’ll have fewer issues.

I wonder what you were using to try to get shadows. I just enabled them in the Shadows window.

Good. And yes, indeed. Pictures of real things made based on SketchUp models is encouraged.

My model was over 5MB! - yours 1MB. Will keep it clean and go thru tutorials again.

Shadows: Again - so easy.
I tried to do this in my previous model using the sketchup tutorial. Directions stated to use geolocation or manual coordinates - not to worry.

These features allow you to show correct shadows for a particular location in a larger context, like a proposed house in a neighborhood. Used for shadow studies and other related things - don’t want your new building’s shadow to block your neighbors solar panel!

As you’ve now learned, shadows all by themselves are possible, and often provide extra interest to a model that isn’t in a wider context.

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Part of it was cleaning up your file and getting rid of a lot of unneeded geometry. Another part of it was due to the use of components as I did. I expect you should see better performance as you navigate around the model space. I sure did.

As for the shadows and geolocation, it’s great for structures that are fixed in place. My guess is you don’t want this model geolocated unless your truck is up on blocks and doesn’t move. :smiley:

Thank you - makes sense and a very cleaver feature… when I work out how to use :wink:

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Yes - I can see how efficient use of components will save file size
Hahaha! The truck may be on blocks for a little while… I am yet to learn how to mig weld :laughing:

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