Understanding Sketchup

Hi I am a teacher working with Sketchup Pro for the first time and I would like to understand how I can trim a post to my roof gable angle. i have extended the 4 posts through the roof and my expectation is to simply trim the posts but doing it is not working out.


I don’t know what tools you have available - but look up how to use the solid tools if they are available in your version.

Without the solid tools you can do this by drawing a line on the post at the roof pitch on the under side of the roof and using push pull to get rid of the material above.

Post the model here (drag it into the reply window) - and someone will have a look and give you some pointers.

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You can also select one or more faces and use “intersect faces > with model” from the right click context menu, then push/pull a face across to close it up.

If you select every face in the group and do this, you could delete everything above the underside of the roof and just redraw the face at the top of the post.

Mike is right about using solid tools if it is a part of your subscription, easiest way to trim simple objects.

If you want to use solids and create solid boolean operations you have to be sure that the stuff you’re modelling is a solid. Sketchup doesn’t model solids it models faces and in some particular cases those faces can be grouped as solids.

Read more about it:

Solid Tools | SketchUp Help

Use this plugin:

Solid Inspector² | SketchUp Extension Warehouse

The best advice is to use intersect faces though, as @churp says. It won’t require modelling solids. It will find intersections of faces with other faces and you can then remove what you need and draw what is missing.

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The only solid tool I ever use is union, the rest of the time I intersect faces. Set up keyboard shortcuts for both “Intersect > With Model” and “Intersect > With Selection”

Me too. Though lately I’ve been using solids more, because of section plugins that work better with them, but also to export to IFC

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Click in sequence on the scenes tabs of this SU file for ideas.

Slanted roof on square posts.skp (226.0 KB)

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You could benefit yourself by spending some time at The SketchUp Campus. This is a site that will provide the basics for learning the SketchUp modeling process. Also, spend some time at the SketchUp SketchUp YouTube site. It provides much information including how to use each tool.