Tape measure scaling: Why is it sometimes it works perfectly as intended – measure the thing to be scaled, enter new value, click yes, see thing scaled to desired size – but other times all that happens is a dashed guide line appears, and my blood pressure spikes?
Why is it that deleting an entire something in one action from a face sometimes or often causes the face to vanish too, even when I’m certifiably insanely careful to not delete any shared lines or similar. This leaves me to laboriously delete an object edge by edge, which is frustrating when it’s a complex object, and truly apoplexy-inducing when there are a bunch of objects to be deleted from the face.
Is there a way to force SketchUp to always move an object from a designated point, such as a guide?
For instance, say I have created Cool Thing and need to place it precisely on Other Cool Thing. If I have three Cool Things, the first two times I have to move the pointer to the guide, click it, CTRL-C, move the pointer to the designated place, CTRL-V… then once again move the pointer to the guide of the newly pasted Cool Thing and move it to the designated place on Other Cool Thing. But the third time when I CTRL-V the pointer will already be centered on the guide, which makes placing it easy.
Great, right? Yeah, except if I have a hundred Cool Things to move SketchUp never pastes with the pointer on the guide. I have to move the arrow to the guide, click it, then move the Cool Thing into position. Every. ■■■■. Time.