This does not appear to be a SketchUp model is showing for me now...pls help

I have opened my SketchUp file all these days and today I can’t open and it is showing this does not appear to be a SketchUp file


as usual in these cases, you’ll have to share a file with us if you want help. either directly here if it’s not too heavy, or wetransfer / dropbox / etc

maybe we’ll be able to open it, otherwise you’ll have to wait for sketchup staff to come by and do their magic if they can.

i have shared the file

scheme 1.skp (246 KB)

well, it’s only zeroes. just zeroes. there is nothing inside this file.

do you have the .skb backup file maybe ?

where do you store your files ?

Please please help me Sir…I really want this file right now…I don’t have a backup file…last day only I opened this and worked on it…but now I couldn’t

please check this if you can open this

11.skp (139 KB)

same deal.

I suppose they were both stored in the same place ?

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