This does not appear to be a Sketchup model! Error please help

please someone help
I’m unable to open my SketchUp file
it keeps showing “this does not appear to be a SketchUp model”
it happened after a window crash while i was working on it.


so first thing, your profile says you’re using free 2021. there was no free 2021. do you mean cracked 2021 ? could be the cause.

anyway, your skp is filled with zeroes. completely empty. where did you store it ?

your skb tells me you’re using sketchup 2023. so which is it, 21, 23 ?
However, it’s filled 4/5 of zeroes as well.

I’m afraid that absent another copy somewhere else (usb stick, other machine…) your file is completely toast :confused:

yeah my mistake it’s skp 2023 crack
actually when my file was saving and windows crashed exactly at that point
after the restart i was not able to open it.
by the way thanks for the help.

yeah, cracked softwares can make OS crash.
I guess it’s the perks of stealing something. loosing all your stuff. :upside_down_face:

You steal the software and come back to the forum of the owner to complain? Are you sane? Aren’t you ashamed? :rage: