Ugh. The state of filleting in SketchUp is pretty sad compared to other poly modelers. In particular, if there are any non planar surfaces (forced triangulation), then Fredo’s Round Corners plugin won’t work. He knows this and we’ve chatted privately about it. I’m not singling him or his plugin out, as we all know the GREAT job he does for our community, but the fact is, Round Corners just doesn’t work that well. Consider:
Fredo says he knows how to fix, but doesn’t have the time to do it. He also said he’d be happy to share his thinking on how best to fix it. So, I’m looking for a developer who might be interested in creating a new fillet plugin for a fee. I’m happy to pay if anyone is interested. Please contact me chippATchippDOTcom.
Too bad Trimble doesn’t care enough to provide this feature, as it’s virtually present in EVERY other poly modeler.
OR… if anyone knows of an existing plugin which can do this easily, then please let me know! Thanks!