(I’m sorry for my english, I’m french)
When I try to download a cabinet, by example, nothing happened. I can not use the extension. I’ve tried to uninstall 2 times, and it still does not working.
Help me please, I need it for un class.
Probably the best thing to do is check the help section at https://app.sketchthis.net/ or contact their support.
Thank you… I did, They did not answer yet…
Well, it is Saturday and a holiday weekend here in the US. They might not get back to you until Monday or even Tuesday.
Yes, you’re right, I will be patient!
Hopefully they’ll get in touch with you on Monday. I wouldn’t let an extension like this prevent me from getting on with my work, though. Really between basic modeling techniques and the 3D Warehouse you ought to be able to model up a kitchen without the extension.
I know, I dit it alreaydy… however, I’m having a class on SketchThis and even m’y teacher does not know what wrong with m’y extension…
Thank you very much for your answer.
As-tu trouvé le problème? Je suis dans la même situation; je sélectionne une composante et impossible de la déposer.