The end of French Surveyors? / La fin des géomètres français?

IGN (French National Geographic Institute) has started publishing HD scans of the entire French territory, free of charge and 100% compatible with Sketchup Studio.
This allows saving money on preliminary surveyor visits during the pre-project phase.


L’IGN a commencé à publier un scan HD de l’integralité du territoire français, gratuitement et 100% compatible avec Sketchup.

De quoi économiser , le passage des géomètres en avant projet.

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Ah yes, but it’s french, Frump will ban it due to his inability to understand the conversion to merican.


Yep, I remember mentioning it when I arrived here as a comparaison with the current SU tool. back then I didn’t have studio yet. I can’t wait to see what people will create (simpler tools?) from it.

pretty cool. Plus, in scan essential, you can extrapolate a terrain from your lidar scan, I’ve been demoing it engineers and landscape designers for the past couple of month, it’s a great way to start from an existing place before the groundworks. a lot more precise than cadmapper or geolocation.

well almost. the rest is coming :slight_smile:

Blue tiles are available, the rest is either in progress or planned before next year.

the only thing that could be enhanced is how the clouds are read. As we can see in your video, it’s monochromatic.
The way their (free) viewer displays it is better I’d say.

he’ll put a tariff on it. for good measure.

ps : @denis_bolomier si adebeo cherche un formateur dans le sud-est :innocent:

Looks interesting indeed.
For a project in Mayotte before the destruction I’d found the contour lines and via QGIS had been able to model the terrain we needed, but this is next level…