
Bonjour, j’ importe des fichiers DWG geo localisés dans sketchup. Hors ceux ci sont en coordonnées x/y/z et sketchup en nord est ouest, donc quand j’importe un terrain dans sketchup, il ne se retrouve pas au même endroit. Il y a t’il une solution ? Merci
Hello, I import geo DWG files located in sketchup. Apart from these are in x/y/z and sketchup coordinates in the northeast west, so when I import a field in sketchup, it is not in the same place. Is there a solution? Thanks

I’m not exactly sure the full context of the problem. Can you share a sample dwg so we can better understand the issue you are experiencing?


Désolé mais je ne peux pas car ces fichiers sont confidentiels, je vais essayer de trouver une vielle affaire clôturée et demander l’aval de ma hiérarchie, merci de votre réponse, quelqu’un m’a expliqué la dernière fois que si je voulais joindre un screenshot , il fallait avoir certains droit?
Je travail donc sur des lignes de pylône THT, tous nos fichiesr sont geo référencés, en lidar ou en point topo, sous pls cad. L’export pls cad ce fait en dxf que je récupère ensuite en DWG. Ces lignes de pylônes sont bien sur geo référencées. Le problème est que lorsque j’importe les dis fichiers en lieu et place, ils se retrouvent loin de mon georeferencement sketchup et complètement déformés, il faut alors que je ne colle pas les DWG à leur emplacement d’origine, mais que je les calent sur mon terrain, merci

Sorry but I can’t because these files are confidential, I will try to find an old closed case and ask for the approval of my hierarchy, thank you for your answer, someone explained to me last time that if I wanted to attach a screenshot, I had to have some rights?

So I work on THT pylon lines, all our files are geo-referenced, in lidar or topo point, under pls cad. The export pls cad this fact in dxf that I then retrieve in DWG. These pylon lines are of course geo referenced. The problem is that when I import the files instead, they find themselves far from my georeferencement sketchup and completely distorted, so I don’t have to stick the DWGs to their original location, but I have to wedge them on my field, thank’s

Thanks for the clarification.
One workaround is to use the free SiteVision extension which will create new skp files with the model geometry repositioned to a known “survey” point location → Northing, Easting, and elevation (YXZ).

I have created this video as an example

Note that if a survey point is not in the import, once can create a construction point to serve as a survey point and one can determine exact xyz.

Steps in the video after importing the DWG that is far from the origin:

  1. Select a survey point and take note of the XYZ values. You can use the SU Notation tool that pulls XYZ information when placed on a constriction point or raw geometry vertex

  2. Position the import so that the “survey point” is located directly on the model 0,0,0. One can grap the selection and start the movement > then type [ 0,0,0 ] Enter → NOTE the use of brackets. This should bring the selection directly to the model origin.

  3. Launch the SIteVision extension and register the noted XYZ (Easting, Northing, Elevation) information into the extension.

  4. Model away

  5. When ready, create a new skp with geometry automatically repositioned by using the SiteVision export feature.

I hope this helps