no. the subscription started before 2021. If I remember correctly, I’d say it started with SU19 late 2018 ?
In march of 2019 it was already 299$
you might be taking into account some discount like black friday in your math. but that’s not base price, that’s discounted.
Or, maybe you’re thinking of sketchup Shop, at 199$, that later became sketchup Go?
So between 2019 and 2023 it took a whooping 17%, not 65%
FYI, the global inflation (at least in $) from 2019 to 2023 was 19,2% , and predictions for 2024 are at 22% total. I hope nobody tells trimble’s accountants…
more about it on this other thread from last year discussing price hike and inflation
and on this one when SU started offering subscription early 2019
The return of a classic licence system would be appreciated. but that’s not the direction Trimble, much like the majority of the software industry, is moving toward.