So Many Tutorials - Which One :-)

Hi, i have been using SketchUp for a week now, and i absolutely love it.

I’ve watched so many tutorials and i am very happy with the progress i have made in 7 days.

However, i’d like to make sure that i am doing things the ‘right way’, so i’d like to follow some well thought of or highly regarded tutorials for beginners.

There seems to be so many people creating tutorials and a lot of them seem a little old.

Can anyone recommend a good set of tutorials to follow? Thanks in advance for your help.


Be sure to go through the videos on our website. These have been broken down into catagories based on your experience with SketchUp -

Other than the videos we produce, have a look at the following YouTube authors:

SketchUp For Dummies, by Aidan Chopra - These video compliment the SketchUp For Dummies Book.

Igloo Studios has a great channel on YouTube called The SketchUp Show and they also provide a complete set tutorials on their website - SketchUp Tutorials for Professionals |

Check out the Matt Donley aka “MasterSketchUp” YouTube channel as well -"

I hope this helps


Here is a tutorial series that I used to learn. The 60 videos cover every tool and a variety of functions.

Sketchup is under “Technology”
Check it out.

Great, thanks for the link.

I also highly recommend some e-books and a download from the Taunton Press. They are geared to woodworking, but explain the basics of SketchUp in a clear, concise way. Here is the link:

The e-book is SketchUp Guide for Woodworkers, by Tim Killen.
The download is Fine Woodworking’s Google SketchUp Guide for Woodworkers-The Basics, by Dave Richards.
Tim and Dave also maintain a SketchUp blog, called “Design.Click.Build” on It’s an excellent source of information about techniques and good practices that aren’t limited to woodworking.

Fuill disclosure: I edited Tim Killen’s book, and Dave Richards and I are good friends.

David Heim