Sliding objects

Hello everyone.
I have been designing a jig for my Wood Router and I now find myself at a point where I cannot solve a problem I encountered.
I need to have four parts of my jig move in pairs of two, one pair along the X and the other pair along Y axis. The two groups need to move away from each other along the same path. That is to say that item one moves as many cm I decide away from item two, so that if I move item one e.g. 3cm , the distance between item one and two will then be 6cm. Is it possible to achieve this?

Likely using dynamic formula, please load your component to show this, so can give better help

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How can I share my Model?

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Router Jig.skp (270.3 KB)

Here is my Jig I hope you could give me a hand.
Thank you

Router Jig.skp (281.6 KB)
Try this. Activate Interact tool, click leg A or Leg B
You set variables to hold click values and assign X or Y position to set values based on slick states.

You can add list values for various distances in a drop down list also.
Or make it user input, but limit the upper and lower values allowed.

Router Jig_list.skp (283.0 KB)
List version (without click)

make visible component options and choose a value then hit enter or apply.
Yo change both values at once then click apply, but nothing changes till you click enter or apply.

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I guess I did it a little differently from Mark’s and it doesn’t use Interact but I’ll show it anyway. I simplified the model for the DC setup but the individual components can be modified with knobs and slots easily enough.


Awesome solution Dave. After I got the movements working I realized D leg was stationary, and was considering moving everything from the center like you have done. Plus I like how you set the dimension as opening as that make more sense for woodworking to be the router cut path. Nicely done.

I have built models that uses drop down list as well as onClick, but I think for this project the user input is the better solution.

Thanks Mark.

I worked off the center of the opening figuring that when the component is dragged in from the Components panel it can be droppped at the center of the feature being routed.

I guess I haven’t used the OnClick feature in any of my DCs and wasn’t really sure what the benefit would be for this jig.

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Agreed. If there was only one value the jig was going to be set at then onClick could streamline the process. But a real world router Jig would be designed for many size operations. So user input is ideal.
My latest build. nothing fancy, but a fun one

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Reminds me of the house my dad built for our cat when I was a kid. He said we had the only cathouse in town. Mom told me not to spread that around. :zany_face:

A larger version was a very common feature of the Finnish countryside from the 1940s to the 1970s. It was used by farms to put the fresh milk containers for the dairy van to collect and to return the empty ones. Nowadays the milk is stored in chilled tanks at the farm and collected with a tank wagon.


How cool that is. Thanks Anssi.
Mine was just a dog house. I made it for a friend but turns out his dog was too big for it. I put it out front of my house to sell, but I set it on saw horses to raise it up for passing cars to see better. Maybe I should have left it on the ground if they thought it was part of the construction, I had know idea. Thank you - Mark

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Thank you Mark. I will try your suggestion

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Thank you Dave.
I understand what you are doing, but when I input my vales for each individual Fence, the jig does not move the way it is supposed to. I later realized that you are not using Components Attributes but rather Components Options. I will redesign my Jig using Components Options, and see what happens. I will keep you posted.

Did you try the Router Jig_list.skp verion I uploaded. It used your file but added Component options lists as Dave suggested. I just made Leg D stationary and slide the other 3 legs. It would just be adding math to get each leg to move out from middle centered if that is your goal. We apply the movement variable to both legs but 1 gets a negative value.

Router Jig_list.skp (285.2 KB)
Updated to move both leg sets out from center uniformly.

Thank you Dave and Mark. I was able to modify the Options to get to what I needed. FABULOUS help!!!

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