SketchUp Newbie

Hi All.

I have just obtained my copy of Sketchup 2015 and am an absolute beginner, needing all the help I can get. In the past, I have used CAD packages like EasyCAD and it has become very obvious that Sketcup, even in its basic form, is far in advance. But … it means that I need to start learning a completely new package. If I can get on with Sketchup, I may well buy the Pro version.

Nicde to meet you all … thanks for your help in advance!!


Look at the basic YouTube tutorials:
Once you get to questions which they don’t answer, then ask here - provided you express your issue clearly you’ll get plenty of good advice…
Also offers a free membership and their forums are full of helpful people too…

Thanks for the links TIG. I’ll get stuck into those before bothering forum members.

Thanks again,

Howdy… Like you ive been using this for about 2 weeks…

when you start sketchup, dont hit start sketchup… and open learn pannel, you will see boxes in middle of screen… click the first box…

looks like

click on the start learning

oopps sorry…
now it will take you to a web page… go to the video tutorials. Their are 4 and are very good…

in 2 hours you will have alot of basics…

hope this helps…