Sketchup free page does not load

Good morning.
I have been trying to access Sketchup Free for a couple of days (Trimble Identity)… I enter my user and password… the Sketchup logo appears as if it was loading… but it never loads Sketchup, it always stays in the logo.
I have tried from two different computers and the same thing happens. I have also tried from two different browsers.
Is there a problem or is it just me?
Thanks a lot

What browsers have you tried?

I have always used Brave… I also tried Edge

We have seen numerous reports on the forum these days of issues with the Brave browser.

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I don’t have Brave (Chrome is my daily driver), but I do have Edge, and just tried it now with no issues.

Edge and Brave are based on CHROMIUM… maybe they share temps and Brave’s errors are affecting Edge…

The recommended and proven browser is Chrome. Give it a try and see if that workls. If not, there is apossibility that there is an issue with your ISP, firewall, account… but best to eliminate the most obvious issue which is the browser.

100% the problem is Brave… I have deleted temporary files in Edge and it works there… in Brave it still fails…
Thanks a lot for your help!!!

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I have used Google Chrome and Safari to load my files but it always shown as " something went wrong trying to load the folder". Is there any solution to that? Btw I’m using the Asia sever.

@DaveR said in a recent post that there have been problems reported on the Asia server. Maybe it’s fixed now, or might be soon.

I don’t usually recommend bad practices, but to avoid these failures, I recommend using vpn, there are free alternatives.