The SketchUp Ascent Competition is back and calling university and college students to show off your SketchUp modeling skills. If you have a passion for design and a knack for SketchUp, we want to see your finest portfolio work!!
The SketchUp Ascent Competition is your chance to show off your creativity and modeling skills. And the best part is, we’re sending the top five finalists on an all expenses paid trip to 3D Basecamp in Vancouver, where they’ll have the opportunity to compete for the Grand Prize!
If you have any questions about the EDU Ascent Competition, post them here and we’ll get back to you with an answer!
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Hello! I teach SketchUp at Bellevue College in the Interior Design department in Seattle and am going to encourage my students to submit projects. Here’s a couple of questions:
I’m a little confused about your template that’s attached. Is it required that students use that template or can they submit in some other format? Most of our students use SketchUp for create their final Capstone projects, meaning they already will have multiple views of their project created in SketchUp, including some interesting details, etc that wouldn’t necessarily fit into your template. If not using your template, is there any restrictions on numbers of views of a project, etc?
Many of the best projects, again, would be student’s Capstone projects. However, many of these students would graduate in June, so they may “officially” be students when they submit them, but would not be students in the fall at BaseCamp as they would have graduated. Would they still be eligible?
Thanks for your clarification!
Diane Dieterich
And one more question: I’m assuming its fine if SketchUp projects are rendered?
Hi @dldieterich2,
Thanks for encouraging your students to participate in the Ascent competition! The provided template is just a suggested format for submissions and is not required to enter the competition. Students are welcome to layout their projects however they see fit and may include project descriptions, renderings, detail callouts etc. We just ask that submissions stay within the 24"x36" format as we will printing the top submissions for display in our gallery at Basecamp.
Renderings are welcome as part of competition submissions and can be completed using any 3rd party software or extensions desired. Since the projects are being completed as part of course curriculum students will still be eligible to win even if they are graduating in the Spring.
I asked some questions a couple of years ago above in this post…assuming the same answers still apply?
Also, just as as FYI, when I try to follow the link above to the previous winners (which I’d love to share with students), I can’t because of browser security concerns.
Diane Dieterich
Sorry if this is repeated somewhere… the template provided is 8.5x11 sheet size, 3 pages… but your answer a couple years back asks “that submissions stay within the 24"x36” format as we will printing the top submissions for display in our gallery at Basecamp."
Does this mean any printable format between these 2 sizes, ie. could be small format 11x17 tabloid size OR large format 24x36, depending on what the student wants to present?
And yes, links to previous submissions would be great!