SketchUp & AI

Hello, I am curious to know in which way SketchUp will use AI in the future! Does anyone know something about this?

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Due to long-standing policy, Trimble never reveals even near-future plans except under strict non-disclosure agreement. So, even if there is something on the radar, no one can answer you.

That said, it would be interesting to have a user discussion here about ways AI might be utilized in SketchUp.

Thank you for the reply.
I can imagine i.e. that AI could support parametric use of SketchUp, in the function of Dynamic Components.
Besides this there might be functions that other CAD-software uses that SketchUp could use in the same way and misses at this moment.
Furtheron the use of BIM might be possible with SketchUp-Components.

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Sketchup & AI:

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