Sketch up for web

I have a pro license, included with that is sketch up for ipad and for web. some times I need to work from the web. with 2025 and the new features I cant find the photorealistic materials and the enviroments, I can with an ipad but not with a labtop. is this new features are included in the web version of sketchup?
Thanks in advance

They have indicated they are working on it for SketchUp for Web but it’s not available yet.

Please correct your forum profile. It indicaates you have a Go subscription and are still using SketchUp 2023. Please also update the operating system you are using on your laptop.

I did a test of something, that may help.

If you are working on a photorealistic model, and you save it to Trimble Connect, you can continue to work on the model in the web version. You save the changes, and they show up ok on iPad or desktop. The photorealistic materials are still there.

You wouldn’t be able to any photorealistic material work, or environments, but other modeling should work, without losing the new features on desktop.

It would be a good idea to do a test, to confirm the results I saw.