Is it possible to save different workspaces in Sketchup? I can’t find it but in case it’s hiding somewhere.
Thank you… liz
Is it possible to save different workspaces in Sketchup? I can’t find it but in case it’s hiding somewhere.
Thank you… liz
Do you mean save different toolbar layouts?
Toolbar layout can’t be saved, at least what I know of. If you refer to save space I’d recommend hiding toolbars you don’t use very often and activate those commands from the menus instead. You can also hide the Standard toolbar as everything in it but Model Info has keyboard shortcuts. Aerilius’ LaunchUp extension is also a good replacement for toolbars not often used Extension | SketchUp Extension Warehouse.
Yes, I meant the layout currently being used with the toolbars and tray setting. Shame they can’t be saved as it is a quick way to get things the way you want them for specific types of job, I use them a lot in Adobe.
Perhaps it could be added to a list of suggestions? (can I do that, if so where?)
Thank you…liz
It has been suggested multiple times so I’d assume it’s already logged somewhere.
For me, it’s “Road” vs. “Home” I use a 15" MacBook Pro that is connected to an external monitor on my desk and I use both screens. I draw in the big monitor, and the laptop screen has a whole bunch of palettes out. On the road, I just have the one screen on the laptop, so I use a different layout.
What I do is have two different versions of SketchUp preferences that I swap back and forth from my preferences folder. It’s a PITA, that Apple doesn’t encourage (your preferences folder is now hidden from your view by default) and an idea that’s probably not in SketchUp developer’s thoughts at all, I would imagine.
A PowerCADD user once wrote a little utility to do this with PowerCADD’s preferences, but it broke every time Apple upgraded systems, and I think he got tired of fixing it. The same deal could probably be done with Apple Script or something, but I wouldn’t know how to do that.
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