Restaurant in 1930's factory building

Two views of a proposed restaurant using SU and twilight plug in. Again using the ‘low’ setting and which took around 25mins each to render


Very nice! Thanks for sharing.

Thanks for the like. Much appreciated

Nice job

This is incredible! Did you create this for a game environment? Just curious! Beautiful work, the lighting is just perfect and so many details! I wish I could zoom in and see more!

Hello Lee. Your like is much appreciated. This wasn’t created for a game but for a friend who was pitching for a speculative project which unfortunately never went ahead. The lighting was done in Twilight render which I think is a really intuitive and neat plugin for sketchup based on the free kerkythea rendering engine but much easier to use.

So cool! If you con’t mind me asking, how long did it take to create something like this? Was it a collaborative thing or did you do it all?

Very nice! Thanks for sharing the info. I looked at VRay and SUPodium, and have been working on learning Podium, but didn’t really look at Twilight Render.

Can’t remember exactly how long but I guess It took about 5 days including measuring the site. No wasn’t collaborative so I had to do a bit of ‘thinking’ about the concept. The brief was: ‘a hint of Jamie Oliver’ if you are familiar with those restaurants(UK) with some Italian thrown in. Might have done it quicker if my computer was not so old and slow! Thanks for all the comments.