I’m trying to get a shiny metal look to my exterior metallic doors on a church we are building. I have architexture extension. Any suggestions?
What version of SketchUp are you using? There is no 2021 free web version?
If you want to create the appearance of reflections you’ll need to use a rendering application. Which rendering application you can use depends on the SketchUp version you are using.
I’m using Pro24
Please update your forum profile.
As for rendering to add the reflections, then, you could use any of a number of applications. If you have a SketchUp Studio subscription you already have access to Vray and could use that.
To get a slight “fake shininess” effect you can use a texture like the CorrugateShiny material in the built-in materials, scaled and rotated. For more realism, you need a rendering application.
Thanks , I’ll check it out.
What do you suggest for a rendering program?
Do you have a SketchUp Studio subscription? If so, you have access to Vray. That’s a good option.
Please fix your forum profile. There’s still no free web version of 2021.